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Other Characters

Other Characters

If there is one thing we know, it's that you can't have a truly magical party without a character that looks, sounds and acts like the real deal! From handmade costumes to rehearsing our performances, we take a great deal of care in ensuring that our characters are truly spectacular!


Our available characters are listed below, but if you don't see your favorite, let us know! We may be able to make it work for your event!


Click on a character, to expand the photos!

Yellow Fairy
Green Fairy
Blonde Fashionista
Pink Fairy
Blue Fairy
Boy & Girl Wizards

© 2015 by charActors, LLC. |

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Disclaimer - PLEASE READ

charActors is owned and operated exclusively by charActors, LLC, a South Dakota Limited Liability Company. charActors, LLC, is not affiliated with, maintained by, or in any way connected officially, directly, or indirectly with any other entity or entities. All character images, traits, representations, presented or portrayed within this site or in the business of charActors, LLC, are intended to be unique and are not an attempt to represent another entity or its property.

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